Author Spotlights: The Drive-In: MULTIPLEX

Author Spotlights: The Drive-In: MULTIPLEX


You'll notice on our social media accounts, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter (X), that we have been slowing working our way through the Drive-In TOC and highlighting each individual author and the first line of their story. Just our way of celebrating the amazing wealth of talent that contributed to this anthology. We feel incredibly honored. 

In 1988, Joe R. Lansdale’s The Drive-In launched onto the fiction scene and left an indelible mark, influencing generations of genre-spanning writers. In honor of this groundbreaking novel, twenty-one of those writers pay tribute to Lansdale with all-new stories and novellas set in the bizarre and terrifying universe created by the champion mojo storyteller hisownself, all those years ago.

In this quintessential anthology, not to be missed,

Lansdale returns and the stories are wilder and darker than ever. Christopher Golden and Brian Keene, who cite Lansdale as an integral influence in their careers, have curated an incredible lineup featuring some of the finest storytellers in the field today. 

From Mud Creek, Texas
Welcome to The Drive in: Multiplex 



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